Tuesday, November 8th, 2022: There is no school today for Superintendents Day! All staff must still report.
Enjoy the day off, Atoms!
Friday, November 11th, 2022: “This nation will remain the land of the free only as long as it is home of the brave.”-- Elmer Davis.
School is closed today in observance of Veterans Day. Veterans Day is a federal holiday honoring military veterans in the United States.
If you know a loved one who served in the military, say a special thank you to them today!
Classes will resume on Monday, November 14th.
Sunday, September 11th, 2022—It’s hard to believe that 21 years ago to this day, our lives tragically changed. Many of us know where we were when we heard the news that day. Some of us heard it on the radio or watched the news that morning. While others may have heard the news from a coworker or a family member, or a friend. A day in history that we will never forget.
Today, we mourn those who lost their lives and grieved with those who lost friends and family. We would like to take this moment to thank all our brave first responders and those who have served or are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. United, we stand.
Dear SANY Families,
Welcome to another exciting school year at Citizenship & Science Academy of Rochester Charter School! It’s hard to believe that it is already the first week of school. For all the new families, I would like to take this time to say welcome to the Science Academies of New York (SANY) Charter Schools!
It is an incredible privilege to be a part of a community where students, parents, teachers, faculty, and staff care so much for one another and strive to build positive relationships that support academic success. All while encouraging students to become good stewards in the community and helping strengthen and develop character skills and traits that will help students be successful beyond the classroom walls.
The first week of school is always a favorite time of mine as it's a fresh start for all of us. It’s a time of year when we build upon what we have learned in years past and begin the climb in our journey to reach our goals for this upcoming year. There is nothing we can’t achieve when we work together.
While we may not know what this school year will bring, one thing will always remain certain. We are many Atoms, one family, and we can accomplish anything.
Let’s do this!
Dr. Tolga Hayali, Ed.D
SANY Charter Schools
Welcome to another exciting school year at the Science Academies of New York! We are looking forward to welcoming our new students, and hope your summer break offers you rest, growth, and renewal opportunities and is filled with all good things!
Our teachers, faculty, and staff have been working tirelessly to prepare for our students, and we are looking forward to what this 2022-2023 school year will bring. From literacy nights to math nights, to field trips, to helping those in our community who need it the most, this year is going to be one that we will remember and cherish for always.
As a friendly reminder, the first day of school is Wednesday, September 7th, 2022.
We look forward to seeing our students bright and early. Let’s make this a great year, Atoms!
Dear #CSAR parents and guardians,
It is almost time for Kindergarten Screening! Kindergarten screening is a brief assessment that will help us in setting your scholar up for success in the upcoming school year.
Please follow this link to select a time to bring your scholar in for screening.
? https://www.csarochester.org/screening
Saturday, June 11, 2022
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
1000 Elwood Ave. Door 5
After signing up, you will receive confirmation of your screening appointment.
If you have any questions please contact the school via phone call or text at 585-643-4330 or email at
Go #CSARAtoms
Dear CSAR parents and guardians,
In preparation for the upcoming school year, CSA-Rochester will be supplying each student with two uniform shirts!
Please follow this link to complete the form so that we can have accurate sizes for your scholar.
? https://www.csarochester.org/freeuniform
If you have multiple scholars attending, a form needs to be submitted for each scholar. The uniform consists of a light blue or burgundy CSA-Rochester polo shirt and navy blue or khaki bottoms.
If you have any questions please contact the school via phone call or text at 585-643-4330 or email at
Go #CSARAtoms
Dear Science Academy of New York Charter Schools and the community,
With great enthusiasm, I wish to thank all of you who have worked tirelessly and continuously to make our mission of educating students in the City of Syracuse and in Utica not only a reality, but also a model of success. As a result of your efforts and dedication, we have won approval by the New York State Department of Education to open our proposed Citizenship and Science Academy of Rochester Charter School in the Rochester area.
After much thorough research and scrutiny among close to 20 different charter school applicants throughout New York State, the New York State Department of Education advanced only our proposed Citizenship and Science Academy of Rochester Charter school (initially serving grades K-2 and growing gradually every year) and the Board of Regents approved it today. We were chosen based on our 17-year record of financial stability, academic success in state testing, cohort graduation rates, instructional practices and overall parent and student satisfaction rates. As stated by the Vice Chancellor Brown and Commissioner Rosa during yesterday’s Board meeting, it is the track record and strong work happening in your existing schools. It really is the testament to all of the fantastic work that every SANY Staff have been doing. As NYSED Charter School Office applauds all of the schools’ dual commitment to students’ academic and social-emotional development while at the same time being tireless partners with all schools, district, charter, non-public, to share lessons learned.
Our decision to start another charter school in Rochester was prompted by the need expressed by the community and community Leaders who invited us to replicate a similar charter school in the Rochester area a few years ago. During our extensive outreach in the Rochester area, we heard families’ pleas for help and have acted to help them, despite many inevitable obstacles. With your support, we can continue to educate students who not only will graduate from high school, but also pursue higher education and professions that will enable them to be productive members of the Rochester community and society at large. Serving the children of today will help build a successful future for everyone.
It is an honor and privilege for me to work side by side with such wonderful staff at SANY Charter Schools who really care, go the extra mile and make the schools such a great positive conducive learning environment for our inner city children. All your hard work is truly Appreciated. Stay safe, healthy and have a Wonderful Holiday!
Dr. Tolga Hayali
SANY Superintendent
It’s Official: Science Academies of New York Charter Schools Receives Approval to Open New School in Rochester, New York
-- Approval granted from New York State Education Department ushers in a new era of learning in Rochester --
Science Academies of New York (SANY) has received approval from New York State Education Department (NYSED) to open a new college-preparatory charter school with a primary focus on English Language Learners in Rochester, New York, with a projected opening in September 2021. Among 13 different charter school applications throughout New York State, SANY was selected due to its proven track record of academic success in state testing, cohort graduation rates, instructional practices, overall parent and student satisfaction rates, and 17-year record of financial stability.
As Vice Chancellor T. Andrew Brown and Betty A. Rosa, Interim Commissioner of Education and President of the University of the State of New York, indicated during the recent Board of Regents meeting, the process is a very rigorous one, analyzed, scrutinized and researched by high-quality professionals working at NYSED Board of Regents. After a thorough analysis, research, and interview of the charter founding team, NYSED Charter School Office advanced SANY’s application to the Board of Regents level. Therefore, it absolutely is a testament to the fantastic work that the entire SANY team has been doing for many years, with its proven track record and the strong collaboration of its existing charter schools in Syracuse and Utica, New York.
“We’re absolutely thrilled with the opportunity to bring our successful model of STEM education and hands-on learning to the Rochester community, a market which we have been invited to a few years ago and identified through extensive research as having a tremendous need from families for these programs,” said SANY Superintendent Dr. Tolga Hayali. “The process was a very rigorous one, and I want to say thank you to all of the wonderful Rochesterians who believed in us, who came and visited our operation in Syracuse, and supported us throughout the process. SANY Charter Schools’ success comes not only from the wonderful dedicated and passionate teachers and staff, but also from the belief that it takes a village to raise a child, which requires building partnerships with local school districts, institutions, and community-based organizations like Mohawk Valley Junior Frontiers, 100 Black Men, MACNY, CNY STEM Hub, EcoSystem, local universities and colleges, and more. We are very grateful to all of them for providing opportunities for our urban youth. In Rochester we are looking forward to collaborating and cooperating with Rochester City School District, Center for Youth, Urban League, Refugee Settlements, R.I.T, St. John Fisher College, Nazareth College, Monroe Community College, and we will be open to working with anyone who is willing to support youth from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.”
Hayali added, “With this new school, we can continue to educate students who not only will graduate from high school, but also pursue higher education and professions that will enable them to be productive members of the Rochester community and society at large. Serving the children of today will help build a successful future for everyone.”
In addition to the new Rochester location, there are three charter schools serving under the SANY umbrella, Syracuse and Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools, and Syracuse Academy of Science and Citizenship Charter School, all of which are nonprofit, tuition-free, public, K-12, college-preparatory charter schools in Central New York.